Covid 19 Treatment Guidance

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Exhale and would like to ensure you that we are doing everything we can to make it as safe as possible. This document sets out the new procedures for how to attend your appointment in the view of the current Covid-19 pandemic. If you feel unsure about anything then please do not hesitate to contact your therapist.

Guidance for your appointment:

Prior to your appointment you need to complete the form below we kindly ask you to refrain from booking if you have Covid-19 related signs or symptoms. If you are utilizing the car park at the tennis club then please try to space out the parking to help social distancing.

The entrance to the clinic is the first door after the reception windows. This door will be closed and locked. Do not attempt to enter the club through any other entrance. Please arrive on time to your appointment and the therapist will meet you at the door and let you in. Should there be other people around the door then please observe 2m social distancing. If you arrive very early for your appointment then we ask you, please, to remain in your car until your allotted time. If you arrive to your appointment late we kindly ask you to ring your therapist.

Once you enter the building please immediately sanitize your hands with the hand sanitizer provided. You will be escorted by your therapist to the treatment room and we ask you kindly to refrain from touching any objects on the way. This does not include hand rails or supports where needed. You will be asked to wash your hand again in the clinic if you touch anything on the way there.

When you arrive in the treatment room you will be directed to where to put your belongings and where to sit. To enable us to keep an effective and clinical environment please do only bring as few personal belongings to the appointment as possible.

When your treatment is complete you will again be escorted by the therapist out of the same door you entered because the clubhouse is not yet open to the public.

Your therapist will be wearing a face shield and we ask you to please wear a face mask. Please note that treatments to the face is not yet possible.

In the unfortunate event that you fall ill with Covid-19 symptoms or have a positive Covid-19 test please let your therapist know as soon as possible.

We endeavor to keep our environment, and therefore you, as safe as possible so we will be extremely grateful for your full cooperation in this transition period.

For further information regarding staying safe in the pandemic please see the following links:

Covid 19 Screening Form
Covid-19 Screening when making the appointment:

Does you or any member of your household currently have:

If the answer is yes to any of the above, then treatment cannot commence until an isolation period in line with Government Guidance has been completed and you can confirm you are symptom free
If yes then extra precautions has to be in place and no treatment can take place near or on the face.
If yes then treatment cannot take place until 48 hrs have elapsed and there are no side effects present
If the answer is yes to bottom two above then please confirm with your GP that treatment can take place.

Consent Declaration for Face to Face Appointments during Covid-19

The information I have given in this form is honest, accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have had the opportunity to ask all the questions about its content, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I appreciate that although all reasonable steps to reduce risk of infections have been taken, including screening potential Covid-19 cases and undertaking increased hygiene and distancing protocols there may still be a risk of infection from face to face treatment. I knowingly and willing consent for Face to Face appointment to take place.

I Agree *

Data Protection Policy

“The Clinic fully complies with the most up to date Data Protection Policy and has a transparent approach to Data Processing which empowers individuals to know about the collection and use of their personal data. We collect data for ensuring we have the right information for assessing your suitability to treatment, for completing the appropriate treatment, for contacting you regarding appointment follow-ups and for a referral to GP or other healthcare practitioners if deemed necessary. Your data may be viewed by clinic staff to ensure continuity of care is given and for standards clinic running purposes. In addition, the data may also be shared with NHS Trace and Test if required to minimise the spread of Covid-19. We collect only data that is relevant to those purposes, and we keep it for 7 years. All information held will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be released to any other external party with the consent of the client.”
I have read The Clinic’s Data Protection Policy and consent to The Clinic processing records as outlined above and understand that I can withdraw my consent on the processing of

I Agree *